Cristina Takacs
Location of Found or Left Rock
Cerro, NM Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument
I found this rock while hiking the Little Arsenic Trail out of Little Arsenic Campground this past August (2024). I have been having a hard time these days and decided to take myself camping and I wanted to swim in the Rio Grande (I live by ABQ). I saw the rock, picked it up and took it home, as instructed. My short little escape was just what I needed. I enjoyed my time up top of the rim and the brisk walk in and out of the gorge. I swam in the river and felt better. I thought about my green rock and thought it might give me some perspective some day. I finally came to this website tonight and enjoyed learning about Ryan. I am a mom and sister who lost her big brother when she was 12, so Ryan's story touched me. The rock has set on my nightstand since I returned, I will think about where I want to leave it, I am not sure yet, but for now, I will keep it to remind me of love, adventure, and family.
Number on rock